KYRO vs Procore

Tailor your toolbox, pay for precision – Why buy the whole store when you just need the right tools?

How does KYRO fare against Procore?

With emphasis on innovation, efficiency and user-friendly experiences, shake-up the status quo and challenge the idea of sticking with traditional, legacy systems.
Rapid and quick with self sign-up to enable effortless access for allOnboardingOperates on a methodical roadmap, requiring some time investment
From GCs to special trades, customize the product to fit your needsCustomizationStandardized and tier-based feature sets
We boast on our simplicity, a tool truly designed for everyoneUsabilityInterface can be sophisticated, challenging the user experience
Direct support, that connects you with the on-call teamSupportOften automated, rarely personalized
Integrated workflows for smooth transitionsWorkflowsLabyrinth of features where simplicity gets lost in complexity

Our Trusted Clients

AriseHealth logoOE logo2020INC logoThe Paak logoEphicient logoToogether logo

Key Differentiators

Designed to suit SMBs, KYRO ticks all the boxes
Unlimited access to all features for up to 5 usersFree Plan Does not offer
Proprietary in-house tool that will change how you do your businessAI Co-PilotBasic intelligence tool that can capture and learn from data
DIY automations for smooth workflows that are easy to setup Data SilosProvides automation and guided workflows that require expert knowledge to setup
Unified AP/AR data handling with intelligent system for Auto field populations to ERP systemsInvoicingLengthy and can involve a significant amount of manual data entry, especially with QuickBooks
AI powered Voice Notes with seamless translationsAI enabled Voice NotesTedious to navigate and add Custom Translations
Powering construction management anywhere, anytime with robust offline capabilitiesOffline ModeHampered by limited offline capabilities

Why our clients prefer KYRO


Saved for Field Crews Everyday


Return on Investment


increase in productivity


increase in Happiness Index of Field Crews