KYRO makes your projects get built faster

With instant access to information on budgets, timelines, and more, KYRO helps you track your projects effectively while improving collaboration.

Document Management

Centralize all project documents for easy access and real-time collaboration, reducing errors and keeping your project on track.

Enhanced Project Oversight

Gain full visibility with detailed progress reports and AI-powered insights to make informed decisions

Budget and Timeline Management

Track expenses and timelines in real-time to ensure your project stays on budget and on schedule.

Contractor Coordination

Streamline communication and task management with contractors, ensuring seamless collaboration and alignment.

Get started in seconds

With KYRO’s simple interface, you can get projects created and assigned to members within seconds, complete with all relevant details. You can also upload your work orders or G-702/703 documents, and the whole project is created immediately for you.

Stay on top of budgets and timelines

Stay updated with the latest status of your projects, and easily monitor your budget spends to ensure they are not going overboard. You can also manage project timelines to see if work is getting done at the expected speed.

Immediate Insights with AI Copilot

Get instant information about your projects with a simple prompt. For example, asking our Copilot to ‘get data of spends over the last 3 months and compare them with the original forecast’ will give you exactly what you need within seconds, freeing up your time to make data-driven decisions rather than searching and gathering data.

Intuitive dashboards to process data better

With the use of KYRO’s dashboards, get a better sense of the work being done on the site, and identify potential issues and proactively work to mitigate them. Get all your data available at a glance.

Optimize Your Project Management Today

Experience the benefits of streamlined document management, enhanced oversight, and effective coordination. Try KYRO for free and see how it can greatly improve your project outcomes.

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