Improve Project Outcomes in Telecom Utility Construction with Greater Efficiency

With KYRO, telecom construction projects benefit from greater communication, less errors, and real-time insights for better decision-making.

Better Field Visibility

With our daily reports and document redlining features, field crews can submit their most accurate information from the field, improving visibility and timelines.

Greater Team Efficiency

With KYRO’s mobile app, field crews can log time and submit forms with photo evidence directly from telecom construction sites, cutting down on reporting time.

Effective Issue Tracking

Field crews can alert immediately about any issues observed, and provide more clarity by uploading pictures with detailed markups. This allows for better tracking and swift resolution.

Smarter Decisions

KYRO’s AI Copilot digs into numbers and provides actionable insights on financials, team efficiency, and more.

Capturing Accurate Field Data with Photos

With KYRO’s forms, users can add their daily updates quickly and easily, complete with photos with detailed markups. This allows for clear and concise information going back to the office, every day.

Real-time Issue Tracking

Field users can immediately report any issues found on the jobsite and immediately send the information back to the office with detailed markups, which enables quicker resolution and saves crucial time.

Timesheets with exception handling

With KYRO’s mobile app, users can log their time everyday with ease, and enter any expenses they handled. Our software consolidates this data with a simple view, and our AI flags exceptions like excessive overtime or expenses for quicker resolution.

AI Copilot: Your Intelligent Assistant

KYRO's Copilot gets data and insights within seconds, with just a simple prompt. Get deep insights on why certain teams are not performing or if the company is on track to meet its financial goals. Armed with this intelligence, companies can make better decisions for their growth.

With KYRO, Improve Efficiency and Transparency in Your Telecom Construction Projects and realize greater outcomes

There is greater visibility into work done each day on the jobsite, and richer information comes back to the office which keeps all teams on the same page. Moreover, key documents can be easily stored and retrieved on demand, saving precious time for employees.

Start using KYRO for free today and experience this for yourself.

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