Bring Your Plans to Life with Dynamic Document Markup

From seamless annotations to precision redlining, our document markup feature ensures your team stays on the same page. Communicate through detail-rich documents that clearly conveys key information.

Effortless Access & Management

Organize and access the latest versions your project plans with ease, making management a breeze.

Streamlined Project Communication

Transform your plans into interactive discussions, keeping every team member aligned and informed.

Draw to Scale!

Turn every line into a precise measurement, ensuring your project is built to spec.

Version Control

Keep track of changes made, and store them as different versions to maintain a historical record.

Streamline Your
Construction Document Management

Watch KYRO’s redlining feature in action. Provide detailed updates with markups that are accurate to scale. Keep your as-built drawings updated like never before. 

Redlining with Scale Definition

Our redlining tool doesn’t just draw lines; it measures them. Define a scale and turn sketches into precise measurements, making every detail count towards flawless execution.

Real-time Annotations & Labels

Instantly add notes, shapes, or labels directly on your plans. It’s like having a conversation on the drawing of your project, ensuring every team member stays in the loop.

Easy Access & Organization

Access, organize, and retrieve your marked-up documents from anywhere. Keeping your project files organized, and integrate with other apps for uninterrupted work.

Versioning History

Any changes made are available to the whole team, and the edits are automatically tracked and maintained in the backend as new version. No more ambiguity of where a particular change came from.

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