Speed up your electric utility Projects, Improve efficiency & communication, all at the same time.

KYRO’s construction management software is designed for electric utility companies to improve speed and efficiency. Provide your team with KYRO's cutting-edge tech to work better.

Enhanced Team Collaboration

Improve team-wide communication with real-time updates, AI-translated voice notes, and integrated document management. Ensure everyone is on the same page, from the field to the office.

Accurate Documentation with Redlining

Minimize errors with KYRO's document redlining capabilities. Keep track of every change and ensure accurate, up-to-date information for all stakeholders.

Increased Efficiency; Streamlined Processes

Simplify your workflows with automated timesheets, expense management, and AI insights. Reduce administrative burdens and focus on what matters most.

Finish Projects Faster With Less Errors

Improved workflows means an increase in efficiency which ultimately leads t better project outcomes. Finish projecs with lesser delays and errors, allowing you to stay in touch with your revenue goals.

Record Daily Field Updates on the Go with AI-Powered Voice Notes

Field users can record daily updates in any language. Our AI transcribes and translates these notes, providing managers with clear, concise reports. Enhance communication and reduce misinterpretations.

Timesheet & Expense Handling

Automate timesheets and manage expenses with ease. Save time on administrative tasks, reduce errors, and ensure accurate record-keeping. Ultimately, this speeds up billing and invoicing and as a result, increases cash flow.

Forms & Reports with Photo Uploads

Attach photos from the field directly to forms for better visual record. Improve quality of updates with clear, detailed documentation of project progress.

Track Every Change with Document Redlining

Use redlining to annotate documents and track revisions. Ensure all team members are aware of updates and maintain a single source of truth.

With KYRO, electric utililty construction projects face a boost in speed, efficiency, and collaboration

With the ability to capture key information from the field (including photos), there is a better flow of latest, accurate information between field and office teams, which makes way for better project planning, scheduling, and ultimately, timely completion.

Start using KYRO today for free.

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