Unlock Powerful Construction Insights with KYRO's Data Dashboards

KYRO's powerful data dashboards unlock game-changing insights for construction managers. By centralizing field data from forms, timesheets, daily logs and more, KYRO provides real-time visibility into user activity, project performance, site operations and more.

Introduction to KYRO Dashboards

KYRO collects data directly from the field to provide managers with actionable insights. Workers submit daily reports, forms, and timesheets through the mobile app. This real-time data flows into the web dashboard to generate visualizations.

Dashboards allow you to filter, analyze, and visualize field data in a variety of ways. See trends across users, projects, locations, clients, and more. The goal is to spot anomalies, find efficiencies, and make data-driven decisions to improve field operations.

Forms Dashboard

The forms dashboard provides visualization and filtering capabilities for all data collected from forms in the field. Construction forms and reports capture critical information like daily logs, inspection reports, safety checklists, and more.

The forms dashboard allows filtering the data by:

  • User - View all forms submitted by a specific user to spot patterns.
  • Project - See all forms for a particular project to identify trends.
  • Location - Filter forms by location to surface regional issues.
  • Project Type - Group forms by project type like substation construction, vegetation management etc.
  • Date - Date range filtering to analyze trends over time.

With the filters, you can see data trends across the entire portfolio of projects. For example, filtering by user can show if certain users regularly miss submitting forms. Grouping by location could reveal consistent problems at a particular site. Viewing by project type can highlight recurring issues in certain project verticals.

The visualization empowers construction teams to make data-driven decisions. Forms data helps identify problems early, such as safety violations, quality issues, or low productivity. By surfacing these trends through the dashboard, steps can be taken to resolve systemic issues and improve performance. The forms dashboard delivers a high-level overview of field data to optimize construction management.

Timesheet Dashboard

The Timesheet Dashboard provides powerful visualization and analysis of timesheet data collected from the field. You can filter the dashboard by user, project, client, and location to spot trends and anomalies.

Some key features of the Timesheet Dashboard:

  • User Filter - View timesheet data for a specific user or group of users. This allows you to see patterns in individuals' time reporting and catch any unusual changes that may indicate inaccurate reporting or timesheet fraud.
  • Project Filter - Filter timesheets by project to analyze billable hours, utilization, and efficiency on a per-project basis. Identify projects with low utilization rates.
  • Client Filter - View timesheet data across all projects for a specific client. Useful for analyzing total hours billed to clients.
  • Location Filter - Filter timesheet data by office location or construction site. Spot trends in time reporting by location.
  • Anomaly Detection - The dashboard can automatically flag anomalous timesheet entries that fall outside expected patterns. This aids in identifying potential timesheet errors or fraud.
  • Fraud Prevention - Combined with anomaly detection, the dashboard provides transparency into timesheet data to discourage and prevent timesheet fraud or abuse.

The Timesheet Dashboard transforms raw timesheet data into actionable insights to improve time tracking, resource allocation, billing accuracy, and utilization. The filtering and analysis capabilities empower construction firms to optimize labor efficiency.

User Insights from Dashboards

One of the most powerful benefits of the dashboards is gaining insights into user activity. By filtering the forms, daily logs, and timesheets by user, managers can track the work of each individual in great detail.

The forms dashboard shows all submissions from a user, allowing managers to ensure regular form completion. Any gaps or inconsistencies in form submissions will be clearly visible.

The photo library integrates with the forms, so managers can check that users are capturing photos to document issues or progress. Lack of photos can indicate potential problems with thorough documentation.

Daily logs provide a timeline of user activity day-by-day. Managers can scan for any missing daily logs and make sure each user is logging their work consistently.

Finally, the timesheet dashboard compiles all clock-in and clock-out times by user. This allows easy oversight to ensure accurate time tracking and prevent timesheet fraud. Anomalies in timesheets stand out and can be quickly investigated.

Together, these dashboards create full visibility into user activity on each project. Managers gain data-driven insight to enhance oversight, productivity, and accountability across the team.

Project Insights

The project dashboard provides managers with a high-level overview of project status and performance across the organization. By filtering and viewing forms and timesheets by project, managers can spot trends, identify issues, and make data-driven decisions to optimize operations and project outcomes.

The forms dashboard enables drilling down into project-specific form submissions like safety audits, quality checks, material requests, and more. Managers can quickly assess the volume and frequency of forms submitted for each project. An unusually high number of safety audits at one site may indicate risks requiring intervention, for example.

The timesheet dashboard shows project managers a snapshot of time logged per project. They can identify projects exceeding estimated hours and analyze why costs may be escalating. Comparing timesheet data week-over-week can reveal if a project is ramping up or winding down on schedule.

By combining forms and timesheets data, managers gain powerful insights per project. They can connect the dots between safety incidents, quality issues, change orders and time logged. This helps identify direct relationships and root causes of project performance issues. Dashboards make it easy to filter and group data for analysis from multiple angles.

Location Insights

The location dashboard provides powerful insights into site performance across your different construction sites and locations. By filtering data based on location, you can easily spot trends and patterns that may require action.

The key benefits of analyzing data by location include:

  • Identify underperforming sites that require more oversight or support
  • Compare site productivity and efficiency metrics across locations
  • Ensure safety and quality protocols are being followed consistently at each site
  • Optimize crew allocation and scheduling based on site performance data
  • Discover best practices at your best performing locations that can be applied elsewhere
  • Gain visibility into site operations without being on-site every day

Having the ability to break down data at a site level provides actionable insights that simply aren't possible by looking at aggregate data alone.

Putting the power of knowledge & insights in the hands of our users

The dashboards and reports in KYRO provide numerous advantages for visualizing and analyzing field data. By aggregating forms, daily logs, and timesheets into centralized dashboards, construction managers can gain powerful insights. This is one of the key reasons to adopt a construction management software - actionable insights from data.

The intuitive dashboards transform disjointed field data into actionable intelligence. Managers can pinpoint problems areas, streamline processes, and make data-driven decisions to optimize construction operations. The visualizations save time otherwise spent manually compiling reports in spreadsheets. KYRO dashboards provide a centralized hub for real-time analytics.

April 2, 2024

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