4 AI use-cases Construction Businesses should get started with immediately

The construction industry is rife with problems during the actual construction phase. Projects keep getting delayed, companies have a net negative cash flow, and there is a struggle for financial stability and growth.

The root cause for all this is down to broken workflows - poor team-wide communication and manual processes that are error-prone.

With the advent of technologies like construction management software, companies are slowly but surely getting better at resolving some of these issues. Lately, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in construction management has added a further boost to how companies can become more efficient.

Earlier, we looked at the future of construction management with AI. Today, let’s take a look at 4 main use cases that construction companies should look to adopt immediately:

1. AI Voice Notes: Eliminating Language Barriers

In construction sites where most of the field crew members are native Spanish speakers, a lot can get lost in translation, giving room for miscommunication and future errors.

Adopting AI-powered voice notes can offer a powerful solution to this. Field crews can record their updates in Spanish, while the AI technology can translate and transcribe the text into English.

This is then provided as reports to managers in an easily consumable fashion, ensuring that nothing gets lost in translation


  • Breaks language barriers
  • Saves time for field crews
  • Improves team-wide communication

2. AI Copilot: Receiving Important Information Instantly

With data coming in from different areas of a project, and sometimes even multiple project locations, collecting them into a single database for analysis can become a tedious, error-prone undertaking.

An AI Copilot, not different to the generative AI platforms available today, can give users insights into various functions like team productivity, financial projections, safety incidents, and much more, with just a single prompt.


  • Reduces error-prone manual data gathering
  • Saves time on data analysis
  • Allows for more informed decision-making

3. AI-Powered Timesheet Accuracy

Accurate time-tracking can prove to be the difference between efficient project outcomes, and heavy financial losses for a construction company.

Accounting teams constantly pore over all the time card data to ensure their veracity. Not only is this time consuming, but arriving at anomalous entries takes a lot longer and might even slip through the cracks.

With AI, companies can get instant alerts to potentially anomalous time card entries so that managers can focus solely on those for speedier resolution. Too much overtime coming from one project? Maybe something to address there.


  • Reduces the time spent on the approval process
  • Only anomalous entries need resolution, saving time on verifying each entry
  • Increases accuracy in timekeeping

4. AI-Powered Project Creation

When a new project gets underway, the project managers have to create projects and tasks in their systems and make sure they are accurate. The bigger the project, the more prone it is to errors that could lead to costly delays.

Error in the work order number, you won’t get paid. Enter the wrong budget amount for a task, and you cause confusion down the line when you are owed your money.

AI can not only eliminate these errors, but get this whole process done within seconds. AI can scan work order numbers to ensure that it remains constant and uneditable throughout the lifecycle of the project.

With G-702 and G-703 documents, whole projects can be created instantly, complete with tasks, timelines, and budgets. This is done by extracting key information from the schedule of values.

Time saved and errors eliminated will lead to better outcomes and more profit.


  • Improves accuracy of data in project creation
  • Greatly reduces the time managers spend setting up projects
  • Minimizes delays and cost impacts due to invoicing errors

In conclusion

Construction companies can greatly improve how they work by adopting AI. It need not be everywhere, but infusing it in the most error-prone and critical areas of the project would lead to more efficient execution and ultimately, better cash flow.

With a lot more AI-powered construction management software emerging in today's market, this is the best time for construction companies to effectively tide over all their existing inefficiencies and broken workflows. The way forward is AI!

July 11, 2024

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