AI COpilot

Receive Instant Insights Into Your Construction Operations

Make data-driven decisions from these insights and optimize your processes for maximum growth.
Dashboard mockup

Project Financials at Your Fingertips

Stay on the money with insights into project costs, budgets, and profitability, enabling better financial decisions.

Safety and Compliance Summary

Optimize processes and ensure regulatory compliance with valuable insights from project reports.

Optimized Resource Utilization

Uncover patterns in your timesheet data to enable efficient resource management and reduce timecard anomalies

Unlocking Your Full Potential

Foster a high-performing workforce with insights into employee performance, overtime trends, and profitability.

Powerful Insights, in mere seconds

Financial Insights

It is as easy to get financial data as typing in

Get me the financials for the last 3 months.

Our AI Copilot then provides you with rich financial insights of your project costs, budgets, and profitability. Using this, you can make informed decisions to maximize your bottom line and drive growth.

Forms & Reports Insights

Get a hang of project progress and compliance rates with the help of all the reports submitted towards a project.

For instance, by requesting "provide details of form submissions for the last 3 months," you can get an overview of submissions, and dive deeper to get detailed insights.

This approach allows for the identification and rectification of gaps in error reporting and areas with insufficient incident reporting.

Timesheet Insights

Maximize productivity and resource utilization by uncovering hidden patterns and opportunities from your timesheet data.

For example, a prompt like “Show me the people that have logged the most overtime this month.” will let you know where extra hours have been put in, so you can investigate the cause of it and resolve any issues/anomalies that might exist with those projects or crews.

Human Performance Insights

Unlock your team's full potential with valuable insights into employee performance, strengths, and skill gaps. Foster a high-performing workforce by identifying areas for professional development and recognizing top talent, driving your company's success.

Accelerate your company’s growth exponentially with KYRO’s AI Copilot

Experience how our AI Copilot enables you to break the glass ceiling and scale new heights. Sign up today to discover how our cutting-edge technology can provide the actionable insights you need to make data-driven decisions, drive growth, and stay ahead of the competition.